Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Where were you born?
Roanoke, Virginia
What are your earliest memories of being involved making art or wanting to be an artist?
I have always wanted to create things, even as a little child.

Chesapeake Bay Blue Crab

What inspires you most as your subject matter?
I love the Caribbean, and the Keys. The water is so crystal clear ~~ and the colors of the flowers are so vibrant!
Tell us about your family? Where do you live?
I have been married for 15 years, and we have 3 beautiful children ages 7, 11, and 12. We live in Richmond, Virginia.
What are some of your favorite things or things that are essential to your success/well-being as a person and artist?
Love yourself and your family, don’t take anything for granted, and enjoy the world around you! There are so many beautiful things to see.

A grouping of Laura's colorful and whimsical paintings.

Tellaro, Italy
If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
By the ocean. The calming powers of the ocean inspire me!
What are the most challenging things for you about being an artist? I love to paint every day. So for me, the most challenging thing about being an artist is finding time to get everything else done, ie: laundry, cleaning the house, dinner, etc…
Thanks so much to Laura for taking the time to share a bit about her life and art with us. Be sure to check out her blog and Etsy shop!


Beth Connolly said...

A fellow Virginian.

Unknown said...


Thank You for sharing Laura Trevey with us. I love her work it's colorful like one of my other favorites Marc Chagall. Beautiful colors and subjects. I'll have to check out more of her work.


Unknown said...

Anne, Thanks for sharing Laura Trevey with us. Her work is bright and cheerful, it reminds me of another favorite of mine Marc Chagall. Whimsical and fun.


pve design said...

I love the way blogging connects us to art and to daily challenges of juggling art, and caring for our homes and offspring. Laura is so bright and so human!!

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Lovely paintings and a slight similarity to your style Anne.
I love water colours as they are usually so gentle.Thanks for showing us. XXXX

Chichi and Luxe said...

great colours and style! thanks Anne for introducing us to another talented artist!


Salt Life said...

Love the blue crab painting!!

Kalee said...

Great interview and the little blue crab is so charming!

Parisbreakfast said...

Love all the vibrant colors!
Gawd I would love to live near clear waters -the Keys or the Caribbean!

MrsLittleJeans said...

Thanks for sharing Anne. Laura is gorgeous. The blue crab reminds me of when I lived in Alexandria, VA. Oh, those good old days!


Laura Trevey said...


Thank you so much for featuring my watercolors. I truly love what I do, and I am so happy I have the opportunity to share it with others.

Have a beautiful day!
xo Laura

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting about Laura. I can't wait to check out her site. I love her drawings.


Her work is so loose and fluid and saturated. Thank you for a very interesting interview!

Irene said...

Vibrant, alive, somewhat naive , so real paintings. I am going to put up in my office one of her paitnings.And she is a very nice person, too. Thank you for the interview.

Yansy said...

Anne- Thanks for sharing Laura's interest and art with us. I just love her work.

Domestic Diva said...

Her work is fabulous and I so love the crab!!
Fabulous post as always!!!! xxx me

Couture Carrie said...

Fabulous interview!
I adore Laura's work!


Karena said...

I love Laura's works very saturated ....the blue crab is wonderful...

MaroDe said...

Beautiful and vibrant colors! I love the work. And I would definitely like to live by the ocean!