Tuesday, May 4, 2010


January 25th, 1918 - May 4th, 2010

My grandfather passed away earlier tonight. He is now at peace and out of his pain. He had been diagnosed with bile duct cancer last August and had made it to his 92nd birthday in January and beyond, lasting longer than he or anyone else had expected.
I am so happy for him - he was very ready to leave and confident of his destination and the peace and joy that awaited him in heaven.
He was a great man AND a gentle man and proved beyond a doubt to so many that the two are not mutually exclusive. He taught me many things by his words and example and the legacy he left to me was something far beyond his public persona and accomplishments. I  love you, Grandpa! I am looking forward to seeing your beautiful clear blue eyes once again in a far better place.....


Lindsey said...

So sorry for your loss! You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers!!

Marilyn *Pink Martinis and Pearls* said...

I am so sorry. I heard this on Countdown tonight and immediately thought of you. Everything I have heard about your grandfather has been exactly as you have shared. My prayers go to your family and for his peaceful return home. He is undoubtedly a man who made a difference to many and was very loved.

rebecca said...

I'm saying some prayers for you and your family Anne!

I read this and thought of you immediately.

Kerry said...

I'm not from your country so didn't know who your grandpa was. Having read a few things since I saw your post I can only begin to imagine how much he'll be missed by so many people and especially his family. I hope your wonderful memories sustain you all.

Mona said...

I'm sorry for your loss.

Anonymous said...

Hello Anne--

It is unlikely that you remember my family, as I believe you were about four years old and living in Detroit when I last saw you.

I heard about your grandfather's passing tonight and just wanted to wish you and your family peace.

Kathleen Kobernik

Hopsy said...

I am so sorry to hear this sad news. However, just as you said you have someone waiting for you that will great you with open arms someday! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Kirsten Steen said...

Oh Anne~ So very sorry. No matter how grateful we are for the easing of their pain, we miss them so! I'm with you and thinking of you! Sending you so much love and heartfelt wishes of strength.

Brooke said...

Anne, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Sounds as though he is in a better place now, I just hope you aren't too sad:( My thoughts are with you and your family. xox

*Chic Provence* said...

Hi Anne, I am so sorry to hear about your grandpa..he sounds like a wonderful man, beloved by many and lucky to have had a granddaughter like you.

My thoughts and prayers go with you and your family tonight.


Simone Howell said...

Oh Anne- It brings tears to my eyes to read this post. You speak so well of him, I am sure he is looking down on you through proud eyes. You are in my thoughts.


Debra said...

Anne~ I'm so sorry sweetie. Even when we expect to loose someone dear-there is an emptiness.
My warmest thoughts to you and your family.

Sarah B said...

My sincere condolences. Ernie sounds like he was a wonderful man - you were ucky to have him in your life. I lost all my grandparents as a very young adult and wish I could have simply 'talked' to them as an 'adult' - it would have been amazing. Anyway, my thoughts are with you.

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Oh Anne,
It's so sad when a family member dies at whatever age. My Dad died at 91 and had a wonderful life but he is missed everyday.
You loved your Grandpa so much and have the most wonderful memories of him.
I am thinking of you. Take care. XXXX

Radostina // 79ideas.org said...

Hello Anne,
So sorry for your loss!


Furniture removalists said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. May the angels guide his soul.

pve design said...

Last summer at the US Open, the announcers spoke of your Grandpa - and I felt as if I had in some way known him, because of you. I know that he is at peace and his clear blue eyes are shining on you.
My sincere thoughts are with you and your wonderful family.

- said...

He sounds like an amazing person! I hope you are doing well-thinking of you!

Lisa@Pickles and Cheese said...

Wow, Ernie Harwell was your Grandfather. You must have so many wonderful memories of him. He was a great man and dear to every person who grew up in Detroit, in Michigan, who listened to the Tigers, or was ever a fan of baseball. Millions of people will miss him. I am so sorry and you and your family have my deepest sympathy.

My Dog-Eared Pages said...

Anne, what a wonderful picture of your dear, sweet grandfather. All best wishes in celebration of his long and good life! He lives on in you always.

Maureen said...

Hi Anne. I was at the Minnesota Twins vs Detroit Tigers game last night and they had a moment of silence for your grandfather. My husband,being a long time fan was stunned and got teary. He said,"he was my childhood,he was the best!". I'm sorry for your loss. Your ode to him here speaks volumes about the man and his legacy in you. Peace.

Sue said...

Anne, I thought about you last night while watching the lovely tributes to your grandfather on all the news shows here in Detroit. Just hearing the sweet sound of Ernie Harwell's voice again even for a moment calmed us as we all paid our respects to his passing. Detroit has many problems but our love of your grandfather as the great voice of the Tigers unites us all.
My deepest condolences to you and your family.

Anchor Cottage said...

The count is on Kaline and I will never forget his voice. Beautiful picture. Thank you for sharing this moment.

Mary Ann O'Shaughnessy

AEOT said...

This is on ALL the news in Michigan as every Michigander is mourning his voice, his heart, and his love for the Tigers. I'm so sorry- he'll be missed by many, but obviously it's a different kind of love that you all shared.

Wonderful picture of him- what a handsome man!

a. said...

I heard it during a game last night. My deepest condolences to you and your family.


A Gift Wrapped Life said...

I have been thinking of you since yesterday Anne when I saw the news come across our screen and then in our paper today. I am so sorry for your personal loss of a wonderful grandfather and a man who was loved by so many! Many hugs coming your way and my deepest condolences to your whole family.
Much love Anne ~ Sande XO

sophiedahydesigns said...

Anne, I am so sorry for your loss. He has reminded me a lot of my father who died seven years ago. Also a true gentleman, and a man I just adored. Not a day goes by that I don't think of him and miss him. I have a photo sitting by my sink of him smiling, holding Emma, my first grandbaby, shortly before he died. I treasure it! You were so blessed to have had such a man in your life!

Harrison Howard said...

I'm so sorry Anne to hear about your grandfather. It's clear that nobody has every had anything but nice things to say about him. There is little doubt that he lived life to the very fullest and understood the things that matter most. He was obviously a rare individual.

rosiecampbell said...

Hi Anne-

I am so sorry about the death of your grandfather. What a rich full life he led.

My thoughts are with you and your family.

Rosie Campbell

Vickie H. said...

Dearest Anne,
My most heartfelt condolences to you and your family as you endure this great loss! May God bless and keep you all during this very difficult time.

Cheryl said...

I am sorry for your loss - I am sure your grandfather is in a much better place and with no pain :)

Irene said...

Oh my dear Anne! I am so sorry for your loss. May he rest in the palm of God and may he send you his blessings and assistance in all of your life. I am gently rocking you in my heart.

lisaroy said...

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. He sounds like a wonderful man who lived a very long, happy life. My prayers to you and your family. Thanks for sharing- what a beautiful photograph. xx

naphtali said...

What an incredibly handsome man! You can sincerely see the love that you had for him. I'm so sorry for your loss, but do believe that you will once again see him...in a better place!! My thoughts and prayers are with you!

kp said...

Anne, so sorry for your sad news..but 92 is wonderful!!! My Grandfather made it to 92 and spent the last few years with us and what a treasure that time was. I will be thinking of you and your family Anne!

Beach House Living said...

Dear Anne,

My sincerest condolences to you and your family.

Grandfather's always seem to be the ones that impact our lives so greatly even though they do so quite silently.

May your memories keep him close in your heart always.

MrsLittleJeans said...

What a handsome and lovely man! I am so sorry for your loss and you and your family and your grandpa will be in my thoughts and prayers!



Dugout Daisy said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. My prayers go out to you and your fmaily. I hope you'll always cherish those great memories of him and from what you've said about him in this post I'm sure you will.

Love, DD

Her Preppiness said...

So very sorry for your loss.

Lara Harris said...

God bless you Anne...I can picture both of our grandfathers up there in Heaven talkin about the good ol' days of baseball :)...I will always cherish memories of my Grandpa listening to yours on the radio. What a class act he was and the city of Detroit will never find anyone quite like him!

Melanie said...

Oh Anne, I am sorry for your loss but I am glad that he is at peace and out of pain. Sending you hugs.

Emilie said...

I have been reading your blog for several months and didn't realize that you were Ernie Harwell's granddaughter. I grew up in Michigan and have fond memories of listening to him on the radio with my grandfather who passed away a few years ago.

Hang in there. Remember that you wouldn't be so sad if you didn't have such great times with him.

Hautezone said...


So sorry sorry for your loss. The first thing I noticed are your grandfathers eyes! How beautiful.

May he rest in peace. Take the time you need, and we will see new posts from you soon.

Best regards,


Manuela Valenti said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending you hugs!

Anonymous said...

what a handsome Grandpa you have, i am so sorry for your loss. Keep your memories of him close to your heart.

Sarah said...

Anne: my sincere condolences to you and your family...loss is never easy, but the passage of time lets you grow with it...thoughts and prayers are with you...xx

That Girl in Pearls said...

Losing your grandpa is so hard... I lost mine to cancer too... I'm so sorry! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.


Unknown said...

dear anne,
i am so sorry for your loss. thinking of you.

Sally@DivineDistractions said...

So sorry for your loss, Anne. He looks so cute and spiffy! I'll be you had a ton of fun together and I'm sure you learned alot from him. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers. May you think of him in joy.

Sandra Ling said...

Oh Anne, I had no idea that Ernie was your grandpa. The hearts of all Detroiters are heavy today because of your grandpa's passing. I will say this, he made this city a better place by sheer example of the life he led. What a gracious man!!

Whether a person followed baseball or not, they knew your grandpa, they knew his undeniable voice, the voice of baseball. I can hear it right now, truly a legacy.

We celebrate his life and are so thankful for the joy that he brought to us!!

My prayers are with you as deal with the sadness of his loss, but I know that you are rejoicing in knowing exactly where he is and that you'll see him again.

Many Blessings!

vicki archer said...

Dear Anne,
I am thinking of you and saddened to hear of your grand father's passing. It sounds like he had a very rich and fulfilled life and that he gave so much joy to others. I am sure he will be missed greatly. xxv

red ticking said...

oh sweetie... i am so sorry for your loss ... but we know he is in a better place and knowing you will see him again is so amazing... big hugs to you... and lots of blessings... xoxo pam

Marija said...

Anne I was so sad to hear this and I am so very sorry for your loss. I am confident, though, that he could feel your heartfelt words and his blue eyes are smiling. What a beautiful tribute. I hope you find peace in many beautiful memories...


Harwell Photography said...

Well Said!! Grandpa is proud of you! He is finally at peace. Great picture! My favorite I have seen of him!

Visual Vamp said...

Love to you and grandpa.
xo xo

jules @ The Diversion Project said...

my goodness Anne, what an incredible video of him, and what a hugely full and rewarding life he seems to have led.

my love to you, it is never easy losing someone, but glad that he is now at peace.


Pemberley said...

My most sincere condolences. I am however, happy that you are sure of his current whereabouts. There is so much comfort in that when a loved one passes on.

Mariss said...

I am so sorry for your family's loss. My thoughts are with you all. He sounds like an amazing man, and was a looker as well!

Unknown said...

What a lovely message your wrote about your Grandfather. You must know all of Detroit is thinking of Ernie and your whole family. People are lined up at Tiger Stadium (Comerica Park) to pay their respects and tribute to him. It is something to see as we all remember Ernie Harwell-the voice of the Tigers. Kindest Regards, Gwenn Lund

Kate Coveny Hood said...

I'm so sorry Anne. He sounds lovely and how wonderful to have him for so long.

Renae Moore said...

Tears in my eyes sweet Anne. I know he is dancing with the Lord and will be waiting for the rest of his family to join him. I hope your grandma is doing OK and I know too that your family will dearly miss him.
Lots of hugs and love.

Vanessa@decor happy said...

What a beautiful tribute to your grandpa. Wishing you strength and peace at this most difficult time.

decor8 said...

What a fine tribute and a wonderful photo, what a handsome man. I wish you comfort during this sad time.


Ivy Lane said...

Sorry to hear about your loss Anne. It is so wonderful that you were so close with your Grandpa..that is truly a blessing!

La Petite Gallery said...

Dear Anne so sorry to hear this sad news. God Bless you and your family at this time of Loss.


Averill said...

My thoughts are with you and your family, Anne. I know the mixed feelings that come with losing an aged, ill grandfather -- my own died at 92 a year ago. You miss them and you're sad, but you're also happy that they are no longer in pain and are finally at peace.

Acanthus and Acorn said...

Deepest, deepest sympathy to you and your family. Hold on to your beautiful memories of no doubt a wonderful, cherished man.

Hello Lover... said...


I am so sorry for the lost of your Grandfather. I heard about it through a neighbor of ours who is from Detroit and an avid fan of the Tigers and of your grandfather. We are in Chicago and when he was telling us he had passed he told us he was Detroits own Harry Carry - which I would say (as a Chicagoan) a huge compliment! My prayers are with you and your family.

A Refocused Life said...

Sorry for your loss. I hope you feel the arms of love surrounding you and your family. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

la la Lovely said...

Anne, I'm sorry for your loss. I just saw your grandpa's story on the news. He is in a better place, perfectly whole and strong and what peace in knowing you will see him again! Praying for your family!
xx trina

Millie said...

A truly extraordinary man Annie - who lived such a full & rich life. Your beautiful tribute to his memory is deeply moving.
Millie ^_^

Shandell's said...

My prayers are with you. May he rest in peace.

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

Blessings on your and your family. I know that you were proud of him and that he was surely proud of you and your accomplishments.

Lisa Porter said...

So sorry to hear of your loss.
What a fine man. His legacy will live on with you with you my dear.
I hope that you and your family can find peace knowing that he is resting and waiting to see you again someday.
Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
xo Lisa

Laura Trevey said...

So sorry to hear your news... he was a strikingly handsome man!

My thoughts are with you...

Renée Finberg said...

i am so sorry.
*he definitely fought
the 'good fight',
the brave one, the hard one.
and your grandpa was so handsome too.
i am truly sorry for your loss.
i know how you loved him.
hugs to you xx

melanie said...

What a lovely tribute to your grandpa. His legacy of gentleness and thoughtfulness lives on with you and your family. You have my deepest condolences and heartfelt prayers as you grieve this loss.

Petergaye S. Kisielewicz of Yahgie said...

That is so sad to hear. Hugs

Christy said...

Oh Anne, this is my first time on your blog since having Callum three weeks ago - I'm so sorry to hear of this loss...I know you loved him so much. I'm praying for you and your family and hope you are finding peace with each other! I'm also sending you a HUGE hug!!!

Unknown said...

Dear Anne,

As a native Detroiter, I send condolences on behalf of the entire city. What a beloved, wonderful man. Detroit is unified in their grief, and dedicated to preserving the memory of our finest citizen.

Marnie said...

so sorry to hear about your loss of your grandfather.
my thoughts and prayers are with you.

TIG said...

hello lovely anne -- so sorry to hear about the loss of your grandfather -- thinking of you and sending along warm thoughts . . .


Mrs. Expat said...

Dear Anne,

My deepest condolences on the loss of your grandfather. How wonderful that you have such precious memories and that you can look forward to seeing him in heaven. God is good and comforts us in our time of sorrow.

Tonia Lee Smith said...

My prayers are with you and you family. When I get a little low about my Grandfather who passed away 3 yrs ago, I think of all the good times I had with him.

Poetrycherie said...

Anne your grandfather Ernie Harwell is a Legend and he will live on forever in the hearts and minds of all Tiger fans! Please except my sincerest Condolences.

nevin said...

My dear Anne,
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Lots of hugs and love. XXX

joanie said...

I just discovered your blog so this is a very belated expression of sympathy regarding the death of your Grandpa. Having lived in Michigan all my life and totally captivated by Tiger Baseball, just hearing even a few words spoken by Ernie Harwell transports me instantly back to the days of my childhood when up and down the street on a summer evening you could hear the play-by-play from any given house, all radios tuned to the Tigers and Ernie. Later, as a teenager, I worked in greenhouses planting endless flats of flowers and vegetables and naturally, all ears were on Ernie. You have a gorgeous blog and a wonderful grandfather and I am so sorry for your loss.

Katie @ Noodle and Boof said...

So very sorry for your loss. What a sweet and gracious tribute.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anne,

I own a few of your prints and I read your blog, but somehow missed until today that Ernie Harwell was your grandfather. I realize I'm several months late, but I just wanted to extend my sympathy to you and your family.

I met your grandfather a few times. My father used to work with him at WWJ and always had nothing but wonderful things to say about him. He really looked up to Ernie as a friend and a mentor. I know that he'll be remembered that way by so many people.
