Friday, August 26, 2011


I found this astute quote on Table Tonic and wanted to pass it on for those who hadn't seen it yet. 
Oh so true!
Here's hoping you have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by!


pve design said...

they better be big tippers, is all I can say.
shame on them.

Anonymous said...

Ha! So, so true. Thanks for sharing and thanks for checking out my blog! Have a wonderful weekend!

The enchanted home said...

YES SO TRUE!!!! I could not agree more. I cannot stand when i see someone talking down the a service person!!! Its disgusting, and happens too often. A strong pet peeve of mine, but guess you figured that out, huh? Happy Friday....

Lisa@Pickles and Cheese said...

Bears repeating. Yes it does!

MrsLittleJeans said...

I agree...when I saw the title of your blog I thought you were going to talk about bears... : )

You know I am always thinking of animals...I hope you are safe from the hurricane winds.


Jacqueline @ HOME said...

How very true Anne.
Have a lovely weekend and hope that you avoid Irene. XXXX

Christy said...

So, so true! Love it! Happy weekend, Anne. We're all stocked up on British chocolates and bottled water, ready for Irene!

Kellie Collis said...

I couldn't agree more! Wonderful quote! Have lovely weekend, Kellie xx

MissBliss said...

Agreed! I've heard this is good to "bear" in mind when going out on a date with someone new...

In Miami Beach we have to make sure some of the servers are nice to us, lol. (spoken by someone who was a server in college :)

Have a nice weekend Anne!

Rachel said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog last week! Your blog is so fresh and gorgeous, it is making my eyes smile :)

And this statement is totally true, its great

-rachel w k

DolceDreams said...

That is so funny and so true!

Simone Howell said...

so I had to sit and think for a minute what this quote had to do with repeating bears! lol. nooooww I get it-- it's worth repeating! So true, this-- I have someone in my life who is always mean to waiters or any service staff for that matter...embarrasing to the point of my cringing at the thought of going out to dinner with them! Sad. Hope you have a great weekend. xoxo

Trudys Emporium said...

Very true I hate when people are awful to waiters they are doing their job just like anyone else. Hope you had a great weekend! Trudy

Dumbwit Tellher said...

This is divine and rings absolutely true. I hope you are doing well this weekend Anne and thanks for the great quote!

xx Deb

lisaroy said...

I completely agree!

Amy Vermillion Interiors said...

You have no idea how much I agree with you Anne!
I broke up with an old boyfriend once since he didn't seem to care about anyone other than people that were "somebodies." UGH!

Taylor said...