Friday, February 24, 2012


Are you a pinhead?  Do you find yourself  making excuses to check your latest Pinterest notifications to make sure you aren't missing any juicy images or inspiration?  I do not consider myself prone to addictions, as I am fairly laid-back and moderate about most things. I can make a single bag of Nestle toll house chips into dessert for about 5 months. I am going to have to watch myself here, though. I never got into Facebook much, as I consider it more of a necessity for business than an outlet for entertainment or enjoyment (all of those petty status notifications seem very narcissistic and ludicrous) but Pinterest is seriously addictive, especially for the highly visual individual (ME!).  I think it's an absolutely genius invention and I know I am going to have to curb myself so that it doesn't take over TOO big a slice of my time pie.
What about you? Do you love it or what? Follow me here.


Teresa Hatfield ~ Splendid Sass said...

LOVE it, and I am the same way! How could you not love it, Anne? So much to look at. It is wonderful to be able to have the material that you truly love to post and to look at! Agree with you though, I have to pace myself.
Happy Friday.

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Hi Anne,
Well, I too love Pinterest .... I've even seen some of my own photographs on there ... famous at last !!!! XXXX

Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen said...

I'm afraid I'm addicted also. I need to set a timer or limit my time somehow, but I always lose track of how long I've been pinning.

I just clicked over to follow you. For some reason I thought I already was. Pinterest usually automatically hooks up followers of blogs to follower their Pinterest. Hmmm.

I'm concerned about copyright problems. There are a lot of discussions going on. Wish I knew the answer.

Let The Tide Pull Your Dreams Ashore said...

I am a total Pinhead and your newest follower...TGIF!

Natasha @ Northern Light Design said...

I'm right there with you!
Come find the Northern Light Blog on Pinterest, when you are pinning :)

Anonymous said...

I am SUCH a pinhead! (I agree with you about the facebook status updates) I find such amazing inspiration on Pinterest. Going to follow you now! :)

MrsLittleJeans said...

I deactivated my FB and started PIN but do not dare go dare for now...I fear addiction : )

Happy weekend Anne! xx

Karen in VA (was CT) said...

.. OMG ... 100% totally addicted ... it's just so hard to pull away

Crissy @ House of Marlowe said...

I agree. Very dangerous!

Mandy said... too...its a little addiction i have...and yes...the visuals are consuming...everytime you refresh there are a thousand new images.....will

Sarah said...

Ohhhh yes, Anne, I am addicted...I went through the early addiction but it seems I just check in and next thing I know, half an hour of pinning has gone by and I sit thinking, 'just one more' - I even log out and see a great pic and log back in!!!! 'Pinterest Anonymous' might not be a bad idea for us addicts!! ;-}

Simone Howell said...

Ha ha ha! Yes, pinterest...... I spend a redic amount of time there.

Anchor Cottage said...

Dear little pinhead(-: if you look at your boards you have a color theme going. Pink and orange and happy. You should be a buyer for a chic department store. Have a great weekend.

Scandi Coast Home said...

It should come with a warning and a recommendation to a good addiction counsellor......
I'm already following your nice looking pins ;o)
..........................................Tania Maree xx


DolceDreams said...

Oh Anne...I am right there with you! Now a follower of is my little treat but I have to monitor my time! Serious marketing going on day I pinned a cute t shirt, and it was "re-pinned" from my pin 350 times in ONE day! Crazy...
Have a wonderful weekend,

Unknown said...

Oh gosh, I think I might have to join a support group for people who spend too much time on Pinterest! I have been known to loose hours!

Irene said...

I like pinterest. It's a great way to organise what I find interesting in the web. Plus, I can pick and choose people that have similar tastes to mine.