Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I haven't been doing much of this lately, as things have been very busy work-wise.  When I do need a break and get an hour or two to re-boot, I like to head to the local beach with my trusty pink portable lounger.
The first Trader Joe's in Florida recently opened here, so I've become a regular as I love their selection and great values. I often come away with one of these to eat at the beach

Trader Joe's "Super Spinach" salad with carrot ginger dressing and a myriad of other raw goodies. I love their roasted sea weed, too. I enjoy every morsel, even when everyone else thinks I am crazy! Have you ever tried it? I say, don't knock it until you've tried it!

Then I will sit and listen to the waves and watch all of the tourists watch this

And I feel rejuvenated enough to go back at it for another day!
Enjoy your Wednesday.


pve design said...

I do just the same sort of thing, go out and commune with nature. It is amazing to marvel at the miracle of nature, the light, the colors and reflect on the glory of life. Just yesterday, I went on my walk and did not see another soul, just me and my dog. It was a great re-charge for both of us.

The enchanted home said...

You just described my absolute perfect day in the world.....enjoy!

Marie (Mrs. Dalrymple) said...

Lovely post Anne. I wish we had beaches here - we're still battling cold temperatures in Montreal. Have a great day. P.S. The salad looks delicious.

Jo said...

Scoot on over, I'm joining you! I think this is exactly what I need ... the view ... salad ... sand between my toes!

I feel better just visiting you :)

Teresa Hatfield ~ Splendid Sass said...

So happy that you were able to take a little time for yourself. We need that from time to time, Anne.
Happy Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

Such a lovely view! Sounds so relaxing and I'm so glad you were able to take some time out...we all deserve some of that from time to time!

La Petite Gallery said...

I have been tellin Renee to go to the beash and regroup. It works right? yvonne

Unknown said...


Beach time is the greatest place to cast your cares. Love Trader Joe's been shopping there for quite a while. Always try to pick up one new thing each time I go.

Like the seaweed also. Trader Joe's has many followers who have made and posted recipes online using just Trader Joe's products. It's a good thing really.


MrsLittleJeans said...

Life is so much better with Trader Joe's..I frequently why other stores cannot do as well as they do...can't they just copy them? Lovely I'd love to be on a beach..happy wednesday Anne! xx

Sarah said...

Looks really great...and I LOVE Trader Joe's too, but haven't tried the seaweed. A long time ago when I lived in LA I went to a Trader Joe's in Orange County and bought chocolate covered macadamia nuts for Xmas presents! They are delicious!! I know their meats are really good - my Dad bought a nice chicken pot pie that tasted home made last year! Enjoy the beach!! ;-))

Unknown said...

I love the beach. Ours is 3 hours away, but I do just go outside and dig in dirt, or play with our horses.. It is rejuvenating. Love TJ's: best and cheapest wines, EVER.

My Notting Hill said...

Trader Joe's is the best, isn't it! Hope this finds you well and rested.

Tiffany from HOLIDAY said...

oh, i so need a reboot. yours looks wonderful. and that salad looks delish. they're opening a TJ here in dallas finally but it will still be a bit of a drive for me - bummer!

Raina Cox said...

What a lovely prescription for a recharge.

Thanks so much for stopping by La Lamp Shade!


If the Lamp Shade Fits

3 Peanuts said...

Looks like a GREAT way to recharge. I am anxiously awaiting a Trader Joes to open here in Houston!

Anonymous said...

MMMM LOVELY post:) Thank you for sweet words on my blog:) ..I have instagram now..I hope you will follow me there if you have it:)
have a awesome week.