Wednesday, May 2, 2012


I hope that you're having a great week. After a very heavy work schedule, I am up for a little comic relief myself.
This sketch comes from the Doghouse Diaries and is another hilarious find from a few "down" moments spent perusing Pinterest, which happens to be one of my greatest sources of recreation these days.
If you can't see the text under the sketches, just enlarge your screen....I think you will find this humorous.


Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Hi Anne,
Haha ... I always put the toilet roll on like the first picture but I would have said I was more like the description in the second !!
The last one was our children when they were younger and lived at home !! XXXX

pve design said...

I live with a lot of haters because I am the only one who knows how to re-fill it around here! this did make me chuckle.


Ho ho, ain't it the truth...

Teresa Hatfield ~ Splendid Sass said...

Well, Anne, I started laughing when I saw the title, and I am laughing harder now! THANKS!
Happy Wednesday.

MrsLittleJeans said...

Cute...I suppose I am carefree though I cannot really make that correlation...happy Wednesday Anne! xx

Anonymous said...

Haha! Love this! I think it's pretty accurate too ;)

Sarah said...

Love it Anne! I am definitely the first one! The paper must go over! Have a great weekend! ;-)) (I am finally off to London on Saturday for a much needed vacation!)

debra @ 5th and state said...

you had me at the post title!

oh the joys of comic relief, thanks for that anne!

Jamie said...

hahaha this is hysterical!! I have to say that I sometimes I am all of the above but usually I'm the first one which makes me happy!