A window from Hermes - Boston
This is a photo I snapped (sorry for the glare) of a street-facing window at Hermes in Boston. I thought the night table and tall lamp were ingenious! Besides being that wonderful trademark shade of Hermes orange, they are so cleverly constructed, entirely of Hermes boxes! Talk about resourceful! While these pieces might not stand up to a lot of wear and tear, they make wonderful pieces of art. I would've loved to have been there to take them home when they switched out the windows. Next time I may just consider cardboard when I look to create something......
Maybe you could negotiate for them since they ARE only made out of bexes...hee-hee!
Gorgeous! You should ask them whether they can sell it to you after they switch the display. My friend regrets to this day how she passed on a 50pds window display by Tord Boontje (before he became massive) 10 years ago.
In college, one of the projects that the architecture students did, was to construct a habitat out of cardboard and live in it for one night.
I wanted to change my major just to do that fun project. I collect Hermes Boxes, not only do I love the color, but they are so sturdy.
Thanks for stopping in, Su Ling! I wish I had one of those Tord Boontje cardboard chandeliers from Target's Christmas 2006 displays! They probably just threw all of them out....
Yes, Patricia, aren't they such a cheery color?
I love the Hermes orangy shade too. The glare from the window gives a little inkling of the Public Garden across the street!
Boston is fab! I used to live on Beacon Hill not too far from there...
I love it! You should try to purchase those pieces!!!
Hi Annie~
My cousin used to live on Beacon Hill, too - Myrtle Street. She is in the suburbs of Boston now. I love Boston and could easily live there, it's such an amazing city! I could spend all day in the Public Gardens.
Hi Peak!
Unfortunately, I think the pieces are gone by now....this photo is from a while back.
So glad you shared this!
i love seeing you in the window taking the picture. too cute!!
Ha, you are very astute, Miss Joni! You notice EVERYTHING! Quite an eye for detail....
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