Wednesday, April 28, 2010


This looks like a great place to plop down for a break and close your eyes for a few minutes.
 Can you tell I am moving and up for a little r and r? I have been going through so many items, organizing, throwing away, giving away and "Craigslisting". My muscles are pumped, my back sore and I am becoming more ruthless by the moment as I prioritize and cut out non-essentials and the excess baggage that tends to accumulate when you've lived in the same place for a while. I may not be as "up" on responding to comments for a while, so I apologize in advance!
All whining aside, I think the DeGournay wallpaper is so beautiful. What a perfect, sunny shade of yellow, too.
Now, back to the grindstone.....


Christina Elaine said...

A very perfect shade of yellow


Hello Lover... said...

I am loving this wallpaper!

vicki archer said...

Good luck Ann....xv

Karena said...

Beautiful image Anne, always love DeGourney wall coverings and the chair is fabulous!

Art by Karena

Melbourne Relocation companies said...

Wonderful photo! I love the wallpaper.

Anonymous said...

Good for you. Hope you saw my post, perhaps it will inspire a remedy for clutter and tossing out what you will never need, want nor miss.
atta girl!

The Antiques Diva™ said...

Bravo for you - it's takes courage to be ruthless as you organize!!! I"m off to do the same! You've inspired me!

hatjunkie said...

My heart goes out to you. We just completed a big move. Hopefully our last one. I would have a hard time leaving that beautiful wallpaper.

Beach House Living said...

An extreme discard, donate, needs to occur here as well. I'm not sure where to begin.

Kwana said...

Good luck with your move. It's such hard work. Love this image.

Ivy Lane said...

Ooohh... that wallpaper is divine.. would love to curl up with my laptop in that corner ...with a nice cup of tea!

Unknown said...

Lovely image. Moving is one of life's great stressers...good luck!

red ticking said...

sunny post during a very overwhelming time... i am right there with you.. although i am not moving i am doing some serious editing in my home... eeeeek where did it all come from?

thinking of you and hope all goes well..xx

MrsLittleJeans said...

love the wall wish I could be doing the same, ruthless cleaning, simplifying, throwing away the nonessentials...good idea to take a break though and to celebrate your accomplishments, right?

Have a great day Anne,


Kirsten Steen said...

Anne~ Wishing you luck with the move (take care of that back)! Ooh, I see an interesting picture below on your last entry. I'm off to continue exploring.

*Chic Provence* said...

Hi Ann..I'm there too..editing, tossing, donating,'s exhausting! Love you little respite of yellow sunny wallpaper!

Chin to the wind!

xxx Kit

Marija said...

Moving can be so stressful but I actually think unpacking is a ton of fun! Assuming of course, you've been good about not packing everything and it sounds like you have! Some times it's nice to start off fresh and re-collect. Good luck :)


naphtali said...

Oh, Anne! I wish I could help you. I would come over in an instant. I'm pretty much a professional mover right now (in the last 2 and 1/2 years I've moved from Idaho, to Alaska, to Washington and now to Texas)! Throw out what you can, and enjoy the process of "new". My thoughts are with you!!

Debra said...

What a bright and beautiful corner~ I would love to be right there. I too have been cleaning, editting, purging all sorts of things. It feels so good. One mans trash is another mans treasure...

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Dear Anne,
How exciting but, a lot of hard work. It will be worth it when you are sitting in your new home knowing that you have de-cluttered. XXXX

North of 25A said...

Moving is so much work and it is overwhelming. The good news is that a new home is very exciting - good luck.

Jo said...

We *need* to move so I am forced to clean out, giveaway, toss a few of our so called treasures.

Where is this moving taking you ~ hope it's somewhere wonderful.


That Girl in Pearls said...

Ugh, I am so feeling for you! I'm next. I move in Texas in June. Nothing like moving in 500 degree weather! Woohoo!


Kate Coveny Hood said...

I'm in love with that image. Googling it right now.

Hope the move goes smoothly!

Melanie said...

Good luck with the move. I have just done it and it is a lot of work.

Renée Finberg said...

the paper is beautiful.
the ground in the paper is the exact color of my kitchen walls.

go easy on yourself...

Radostina // said...

a perfect yellow :)
thank you anne. wish you good luck with the move.

la la Lovely said...

Congrats!! So fun and so tiring! It is always fun to get things cleared out too! Hope you find some time this weekend to rest. That yellow is so sunny and happy.... love it!
xx Trina

jules @ The Diversion Project said...

hey anne, was going to leave a comment on the punchy pieces post, but for some reason i cant find the link for comments. maybe my pc is fritzing, seems to be a fair bit of it going round!

when i saw the green chest of drawers in the preview windowe, i thought 'man that new painting is GORGEOUS' - {just an idea :) }

good luck with the unpacking - i'll be thinking of you, its complicated has finally come out on dvd here, so a glass of red and the sofa are calling me! julesx

Kerri - Driftwood Interiors said...

Love any De Gournay wallpaper, and this one is just delicious! Good luck with your move, it's always a huge job but just think of the new blank canvas waiting for you at the other end! K xx

rosiecampbell said...

Doesn't it feel a bit cathartic to shed some of your stuff? Good luck! Have a great weekend.

La Petite Gallery said...

Punch is the word. Wild Florida colors.. Your Post on Punch has no comment spot. Anyway Happy May 1 st and Derby Day.. yvonne

C.J. said...

Dear Anne, its not so easy to move, I know... but think of the joy of your new home and placing your treasures in it. Take care!

Catherine said...

Great wallpaper.

Tonia Lee Smith said...

Not moving, but doing the exact same thing, craiglisting, etsying, giving away, putting out on the street, Freecycling, you name it. I'm getting rid of anything that is not needed in my house.