Monday, April 19, 2010


This painting was commissioned from me by the illustrious writer and beloved blogger Vicki Archer. This is her garden in St. Remy de Provence, France.  As many of you know, Vicki and her husband have taken a once derelict property in the South of France and transformed it into a beautiful paradise complete with olive groves and extensive gardens. She shares her unique ex-pat experience, illustrated with gorgeous photos by Carla Coulson in her books, "My French Life" and her newest release, "French Essence".  Both are must-haves for the Francophile and design aficionado. "French Essence" is available now in Australia and will be arriving in the US in Fall 2010. 


Karena said...

Anne, how wonderful and exciting. I love to read Vicki's posts and writings. The illustration is perfect.

I have a new post and interview up I think you will enjoy!

Art by Karena

Zar Galstyan said...

Absolutely gorgeous piece, your blog and work is an absolute treat!

Sally@DivineDistractions said...

What a nice addition your art will be to Vicki's home. I love the detailing in this piece. I just did a blog on how art works in a space, so I'd love for you to check it out. I wish I was a prolific with my art as you are with yours! You inspire! said...

I have both of these books. Love them. What a beautiful garden.

Brooke said...

Oh Anne - I love your english roses on aqua print. Are you going to stock them printed on cardstock - like your other prints??? xox

Jo said...

This is lovely ~ as is all your work. I'll have to peek into these books.

Have a wonderful week~

Unknown said...

This illustration is so lovely in its attention to detail! I want to flop down amongst those throw pillows and while away the day there!

Renée Finberg said...

i think this is absolutely divine.


Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen said...

Vicki's garden is gorgeous. I have both of her lovely books and read her blog. I would love to be in Provence this spring. Maybe next year.

Acanthus and Acorn said...

I have only recently been reading her wonderful blog. Beautiful work Anne!!!

MrsLittleJeans said...

Both your work and Vicki's garden transformation are remarkable...I only wish she would invite me there : ) Have a great Monday!


Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Oh Anne,
Vicki's garden looks wonderful in your painting. I think that you have captured the 'essence' of a French garden perfectly. I'm sure that Vicki was so pleased with it. XXXX

Averill said...

Very lovely, Anne. I love the colors you've used as well as the playfulness of your hand.

DolceDreams said...

I remember seeing this picture either on Vicki's blog or her book...what a gorgeous job you have done! It is simply beautiful...What a talent you have!
Have a wonderful week,

Christy said...

Oh my goodness it's absolutely stunning Anne! You are so incredibly talented - I just wish I had a place I love dearly enough for you to paint it for day, I'm sure I will. In the meantime, I'll admire your other work - this one takes the cake - I just love it!

Unknown said...

Beautiful painting of a magnificient home.
First time commenter

Sarah said...

So beautiful Anne! I love Vicki's blog and her writing and follow it too. How I would love to be sitting on that settee having a glass of wine talking about the blogging universe!

Renae Moore said...

Love are so very talented.

Kwana said...

It's gorgeous. I would love to take a seat. Awesome job!

Anonymous said...

Anne, this is very lovely. I love it.

Kate Coveny Hood said...

I LOVE this one. The different textiles are so subtle - but absolutely my favorite detail.

vicki archer said...

Thank you so much Anne.....I adore this painting and it captures the garden so perfectly. I have it just by my desk and admire it often...xv

Kerri - Driftwood Interiors said...

Fabulous artwork and two fabulous bloggers. Love it to pieces, I'm sure Vicki is thrilled with it. Just beautiful. Kerri xx

::levina:: said...

such beautiful work once again. have a great weekend Anne.

Irene said...

Anne, I love Ms.Archer's book, and your painting is nothing short of fabulous.