Monday, August 29, 2011


all photos by Jonny Valiant

At this juncture in time, hearing the term "Jersey Shore" doesn't exactly conjure up images of refined living thanks to certain TV programs. In the September issue of House Beautiful, decorator Mona Ross Berman turns the tarnished image on its ear with her fabulous "surfer chic with class" style.  I love this cottage she lent her colorful touch to. 
So many great rooms and no tattoos or hair gel in sight! 

I hope all of my friends on the East Coast here in the US have weathered Hurricane Irene ok and are now safe. I wish everyone continued safety with all of the clean-up, repairs and the process of getting on with your lives.


Unknown said...


Love the freshness of these rooms...we love our summers don't we...hard to believe it has come to the end of Summer already.


Sarah B said...

This home is really beautiful. I love all the pretty colour.
I just don't get that tv show. Who would be interested in watching those people?

pve design said...

I'll take the shore anywhere if I could step into any of those "House Bootiful" images. (insert Jersey girl accent) We could "hang out" there Anne!

Christy said...

Anne, I am now going to have to go out and search for this magazine - I hope it's a US publication? I am in LOVE with this house. Every single room you showed is perfect. Thank you for sharing!!!

We only have branches down, no damage at all. And our power was out for less than a day. Whew.

Hope your week is off to a great start!

Anonymous said...

So gorgeous...I love beach decor. Thanks for featuring the prettier side of the Jersey shore!

Ivy Lane said...

I just looked at my new HB a few eves. ago and loved seeing this crisp and an artful sorta way!

Happy Monday!

Natasha @ Northern Light Design said...

HA... Love the play on words! I'm with you; I like this Jersey Shore SOOOO much better :)
Great, happy place!

MrsLittleJeans said...

Beautiful is all that comes to I hope the waters have subsided! Have a great week Anne! xo

Tiffany from HOLIDAY said...

True Confession: I met my husband on the Jersey Shore. But really, there are some wonderful areas down there such as Spring Lake and Deal. It def. gets a bad wrap...but for good reason. :) xo

Kirsten Steen said...

Love that turquoise bathroom! Hope you went unscathed this past weekend amid all the happenings.

Sarah said...

Hi Anne: I posted about this designer recently - I LOVE this house! We JUST got our power back in the middle of the night! Had a nice hot shower this morning! Have a great day! ;-)

CDS said...

That kitchen is really beautiful! :)

Brillante Interiors said...

Fresh and stylish.

Carrie Waller Watercolors said...

So beautiful! Love the all white canvas with those pops of crazy beautiful colors.

Claudia Fabiana said...

Wow... This house is fabulous. I love the orange in the bedroom, and that powder room turquoise is so fun!
