The alligator swimming not more than 15 feet outside my door. This guy was at least a 5 footer....

The beautiful tiled fountain and courtyard in "Morocco" at Epcot Disney

I thought this tea cup planter was so clever!

The gardens in "England" at Epcot. The most authentic looking part of Epcot, I think. Some of the other "countries" are way more staged looking. After all, it IS Disney.

I have been working very long hours lately, trying to complete some projects and get everything for my show done and shipped off. My eyes are tired and my hand is permanently poised as if still holding a paintbrush. With the pieces for the show finally sent, I decided to take a much-needed break and use a complimentary pass I was given to Disneyworld. I am not much for rides at this stage in life, but I did enjoy an absolutely gorgeous day outside at Epcot. Generally, I am not a big fan of amusement parks, crowds or tourist haunts, but I was surprised to find some beautiful gardens, a pretty authentic French chocolate croissant and a gorgeous Moroccan fountain. What did you do this weekend?
Oh my goodness - these are SO Cute Anne! I love the Moroccan theme and the TEa Cup potted plant - that is just the cutest thing.
We sent a few years ago with the children and your photos bring back fond memories!
Thanks for your comment, Karen! Hope you have a great week!
Hi Patricia! Yes, it certainly is a magical place for kids. Have a terrific week!
Thank you so much for the nice comment and adding me to your blogroll... I really appreciate it!
Love the pictures.. the tea cup is too cute. Might be fun to try on a much smaller scale, like for an outdoor tabletop!
And I can't get over the alligator being so close- that is crazy!
You are most welcome, LaLa! I like your idea about the smaller tea cup planter! Yeah, the gators are close, but they never bother me. It is kind of bizarre at first, though. Like other people having squirrels in their yard! LOL
Hello Anne! Sounds like you had a perfectly lovely weekend--love the fountain! We took a few days off and got out of the city for a few days--am back much more relaxed, but completely behind in my blog posting and reading :)
Thanks for taking the time to stop by, Roseline. Glad you had a restful weekend!
I love your prints...and your photography of both the amusing and the beautiful shows you have a great eye! Thanks for sharing!
Oh, thank you, Ana! That is so kind!
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