Congratulations to Michelle Adams, creator of Rubie Green, an eco-friendly textile company that features colorful, graphic and beautiful options for furnishing your home or office. Michelle was featured in this month's issue of Domino. Michelle is a young entrepeneur who is also a former Domino employee and has already established Rubie Green as one of the top "green" textile companies in it's relatively short existence. She sells directly to the public, as well as the trade, which is rare for a high-end fabric designer.
Michelle amazes me - she's only 25 and is a blogger, designer, and business woman (check out her blog, MA Belle). Besides being extremely talented and business-savvy, Michelle is a great person! Before I had even met Michelle, she was already recommending me to a potential client, who ended up working with me on a logo design. I want to thank her and also wish her and Rubie Green all continued success as she launches her new website this month.
Her fabrics are just the best!!!
I am very impressed as well by Rubie Green & Michelle Adams. Sophisticated, stylish & conscientious all in one! Thank you for your example, Michelle. Bottom line: the fabrics are so good looking! I just got my hands on the two latest, tan zebra/ Mary and the delevan stripe. They are superb!!
Molly W.
Yes, Ronda - they are! I know Michelle and Rubie Green will go far and rise to the top.
Hi Molly! Yes, Michelle is a prime example that conscientious doesn't have to equal dull!
I saw that article in Domino and thought the fabric was fantastic! Way to follow your dreams!
Thanks for your comment, Tracey! Yeah, isn't it great how Michelle had the courage to do that?
You guys!!! THANK YOU! Oh my gosh this is just too much!!! Clearly I'm behind on my blogging, as I JUST now discovered this post, and I am completely blown away by your sincere compliments! I just want to let you all know how much they mean to me. It's honestly people like you who make this entire venture meaningful. (And fun!) Thank you from the bottom of my heart :)
You are so welcome! We are all behind you and wish you the very best! Go, Michelle!! :>)
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