If Betty Crocker had a face........
I am sure no one reading this would argue with the fact that Martha Stewart is not a woman known for doing anything half-way. I am certain the term "Slacker" is one that has never been applied to her. She can hardly be accused of laziness or anything less than taking just about every effort to a whole new level. Though she may have her share of detractors, you have to admit that she has more talent in more realms than most people, male or female, are willing to admit. Designer, writer, entrepreneur, gardener, gourmet chef, crafter, decorator, baker, mother, TV host, CEO and the list goes on. Like her or not, the creative output of this one woman can be described as nothing less than "phenomenal". I came across these photos of her home craft room/studio on her website. Look at this room! A place for everything and everything in it's place. Perhaps that is how she gets so much done. Maybe it's why she gets so little sleep. I love it. She has EVERYTHING down to a science. What did her parents feed her as a baby? Did she ever have an unproductive day? Was she knitting her own booties in her crib when her mother put her down for a nap? Whatever the case, she has managed to inspire me once again........

Notice how she makes use of every inch of space

I wonder if her drawers always look that tidy? Hmmm, probably!
i just went to her site and saw those photos today. was as amazed as you... but i guess there was also the feeling of ... have and have nots... the gulf is HUGE, huh?!
to have that room, that amazing space where your space is yours alone... without kids or husband or guests sharing space...
wow, amazed but not surprised that her space would be so uber organized! love it, that would be a dream come true - an artist's retreat!
I think organizing ability and hyper energy are gifts...I wish I had just some of each.
I think this is thoroughly hilarious!! Does anybody think that?
thanks for sharing this anne -- i missed it earlier.
Hi Drey!
PVE~Wouldn't you absolutely love a space like this? I know I would!
Stljoie ~ Thanks for dropping by! I agree with you!
Patricia G.~ Glad you got a laugh!
Courtney~ As always, wonderful to have you stop by!
If I could be that organized and talented on so many fronts, I would. But I think the only way to do all she does is by hiring an army of help! No doubt she has the talent all by herself, however.
I would love that room!
Me too, Melissa. Yes, I know she has a lot of great people behind her, but, as you said, she's quite a powerhouse all by herself, too.
Her orderlyness is daunting to say the least! But she has no wall space in that attic, so she's cleverly used the table tops.I'm in the process of trying to rethink my studio. Lots of ideas here. Thanks
Thanks for stopping by, Paris Breakfasts! I went to your site and your work is lovely. Glad this post gave you some ideas, I know it inspired me.
I wonder if her prison cell was that organized?
The artist in me drools over this creative use of space. I mean, the photo area alone I would kill for. Being that she never sleeps I've heard her say she spends a lot of time in this studio. I could never keep it this pristine, but I do like the use of space. What else is this good for except seates space. She's over 6 feet tall. Great post, Anne.
Thank you, Kevin!
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