Monday, November 3, 2008


Yesterday, there was a death in my family, and that, combined with an already planned business trip, will probably make posting a bit light this week. When it rains, it pours - I guess it's a good thing I voted early on Saturday. I hope all of you have a great start to your week and take care!

P.S. Happy Birthday to my Dad - you are THE best!


vicki archer said...

So sorry to hear that - take care this week xv.

pve design said...

my thoughts are prayers are with you.
Travel safely and may you have a smooth ride.

Heidi said...

Sorry to here about your loss. Just wanted to say I did a post on my blog of your wonderful quotes. Love everything you do, you are so talented. Heidi

Julia said...

My thoughts are with you, take care of yourself.

hello gorgeous said...

So sorry to hear about your news.


The Steel Magnolia House said...

God bless you and yours. You're in my thoughts and prayers, Anne.

ALL THE BEST said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you Anne!

Eloise said...

I'm sorry, Anne. Godspeed.

annechovie said...

Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to leave such a thoughtful and kind comment. I so appreciate it!

72 and sunny said...

my thoughts are with you. take care

SimplyGrove said...

Hope all is well Anne!! You are in my prayers!!!

cotedetexas said...

Anne have a safe trip. So sorry to hear of your loss.


Karena said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

la la Lovely said...

Anne, praying for you! Take care!
x Trina

annechovie said...

Megan, Karen, Joni, Kirsten, Eloise, Ronda, Trina, Kara, Julia, Heidi,Patricia, Vicki, Heidi and Hello Gorgeous,
Your kind words and support have been a huge encouragement and bright spot! I can't thank you enough!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers to you and your family.

annechovie said...

Thanks so much, Dolce. That is so kind of you. Have a great weekend!