Natural Wonder

Talk about eye candy and clever gift solutions, if you haven't seen OoohLaLaCadeau yet, you are missing a lot! My charming Canadian friend, Sande Chase, is a former interior designer with an incredible eye and a gift for putting together some of the most visually appealing gifts I have ever seen. Her elegant packaging alone will knock your socks off! Her latest addition will soon be an entire wrapping supply section - I can't wait to see her selection, as Sande is a genius with presentation. She also authors a charming blog A Gift Wrapped Life, which you are sure to enjoy as well.
Anne-She has a wonderful eye for color like you do.
Gorgeous, the packaging and the assortment of matched up gifts!
i love the bridge tally...
You can't believe how honoured I am that you have featured my website Anne. You are the kindest, most talented of us all and you constantly support other women and their busineses, which is a true measure of your goodness. You truly are a pleasure to have met in this blogger land and one day I am going to meet you in person....with a great big fabulous gift. Love and Hugs.
Sande XO
Sande takes the cake for best wrapping! I was always put in charge of wrapping things. Presentation is so important and Sande is the BOSS!
I love her color sense and that each day, her blog shows life all wrapped up!
Beautiful and perfectly put together items. Loving the bottom image!
Hi Anne~
What a wonderful post about a BEAUTIFUL Gal!!! You two are like kindred spirits such beauty and talent in each of you!
May you Anne, have a Lovely Day, Miss Kris
What an spectacular talent...you find the most interesting places to visit! Thanks....
i LOVE her blog to! i'm so happy to see you sharing her work!
I love Anne's art and Sande's style. A truly talented twosome! I wish I had even a fraction of either ones gifts and talents!
These are beautiful! I want them all...
Wow! How fun would it be to receive one of those beauties?! You always find the loveliest things to share- thanks Anne!
A big warm thank you for your incredible support of women & the arts!
Because of you and Annechovie, I have met some really wonderful people. I have just recently had the pleasure of getting to know Sande and her charming style.
She is now a friend of the Lisa Porter Collection and A Gift Wrapped Life is one of my new favourite places to visit!
We have something very special in common & that is you Anne.
p.s. Limone is my favourite....
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