Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I received a very cool package in the mail the other day from Sweden. It was from Therese at Archie Grand. Archie Grand is a company that creates these brilliantly colored and conveniently sized notebooks with witty titles. But, don't let the titles fool you - the notebooks all come with 160 blank pages for you to fill in with your own juicy contents. The paper is made to absorb lots of ink - which is always a good thing for me - my pens tend to bleed. You just get to choose the title and hue that best suit your mood. Personally, I thought that 3 of the best titles were "Brats I Met and Liked", "Suffragettes I Met and Liked" and "Pawnbrokers I Met and Liked". I share their sense of humor, quite frankly. Check out the whole selection here. These make great gifts for friends - real conversation starters, indeed.


pve design said...

Is there one "The floggings will continue til the moral improves?"

Daisy's Mercantile said...

I gave away at least 10 of these at Christmas. Huge hit, only bought for those where there was an obvious choice. We ended up on the website Christmas day with people joking about who should have received different titles.

Debra said...

I love these! Always in need of a new journal-I have one now titled 'Little white lies"...
I'm off to take a look at them.
Have a great day Anne.

Kwana said...

I just love a good notebook. LOVE!

Blog Author(s) said...

Fun post.

Congratulations on your work appearing in the new Nancy Meyers film.

FYI: Light blue text hard on the eye and difficult to read, but very pretty with your blog design.

Happy 2010.

Chic Coles said...

These are so cute! I am in the market for a new notebook/planner and I love the color of the pink one.

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

I love these notebooks. I've never seen them before so I went and had a look.
My Favourite ?...... I thought that Husbands that I met an liked was so funny ( and wives that I met and liked ) Shame that I don't know anyone who has been married lots of times. I doubt if you could fill it up, unless your name is Elizabeth Taylor !!!!
I am keeping these in mind for future presents. XXXX

BonjourRomance said...

I love notebooks of all kinds, these are so colorful and fun. Congratulations on your work being featured in the film.
I'll be following along and will be back soon.

C.J. said...

these are great!

Lindsay said...

These are fantastic! I love the bright colors.

Karena said...

Love these Anne. You can never have too many journals, especially these!

Radostina // 79ideas.org said...

Love notebooks :))) and this color is gorgeous :))))

Have a great day :)))

La Petite Gallery said...

Such fantastic Gifts.
They pretty well cover
it all.


Parisbreakfasts said...

and I love it that ink does not bleed through the paper..always a hazard for me.
Merci Anne

Unknown said...

Valentine's Day gifts for those you just love!


Sara Bradshaw said...

Love them! Also check out my 25 Best Blogs of 2009 list at: http://www.cricketwife.com/2010/01/25-best-blogs-of-2009-part-1.html

Chic and Charming said...

Really adorable! Its going on my birthday list!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this site for notebooks. Can't wait to check it out.
