Monday, September 19, 2011


Did you have a nice weekend?  
The rainy season here in South Florida is ending and even though the highs are still in the low to mid 90's, the blue skies are brighter & clearer and it no longer feels like a steambath.  I am glad that Fall is on it's way! 
I'd like to thank of all these great blogs for their recent posts featuring my work.  Please stop by these sites and let them know I sent you. The support shared in this crazy blogging community is priceless!
 Thank you all so much and hope your week gets off to a great start.


Jacqueline @ HOME said...

It is quickly turning to Autumn here in the UK and there is a chill in the air. I love the changing seasons as they all have their merits.
....and, what lovely blogging friends you have Anne. So supportive. I shall have to go and check them out.
Have a lovely week. XXXX

Carrie Waller Watercolors said...

I love that you thank everyone for sharing your work!! Your work is so beautiful and fun of course it should be everywhere:) And P.S. I got my candle the other day and it smells heavenly:)

Unknown said...

I love the Pink Pagoda! I featured her work not long ago, great stuff! Thanks for the new sites to check out!

Anonymous said...

Love that you post thank yous to people who feature your work! Kind, considerate, and polite! Hope you're having a great week!

Rachel said...

how kind of you to do this for us, thank YOU! It's easy to feature your work when it is all so beautiful :) I'm loving the crisp fall mornings... but I won't love them once they turn into brittle chilly winter days!

-rachel w k

Claudia Lane said...

Agree with Rachel W K above, your work is just too beautiful to be ignored.
Some of my favourite blogs are featured above, love it!

Hope you are having a great week Anne :)

Claudia xo

Bring Pretty Back said...

They are featuring your work because it is FABULOUS!!!!!!
Whoo hoo!
Have a pretty day!

The Pink Pagoda said...

What a lovely way to say thank you!! I love featuring gorgeousness on Etsy, so I'll be posting about you again soon!
