Monday, January 16, 2012


I hope that you had a good weekend! I cannot believe it's already the middle of January.
I finished my taxes (hurray! and phew!) and caught a few cheering rays in the sun as well. 

I couldn't resist sharing a few photos taken by my very talented brother, Jeremy Harwell, of a beautiful wedding at Middleton Plantation in Charleston, SC.  Jeremy has an eye for capturing all of the gorgeous details and piecing them together in his own trademark photo journalistic style.  This wedding was published in Southern Living Weddings and you can view more of it on his blog here.


Sarah said...

Anne, what really beautiful photos - how lucky for the couple to have these as their wedding photos. It looks like a gorgeous setting too. Your brother is extremely talented and has a beautiful blog too! ;-))

Teresa Hatfield ~ Splendid Sass said...

The wedding pictures are beautiful! So a pretty wedding.
Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

What beautiful photos. I adore all the details...your brother is truly talented! Thanks so much for sharing these!

Carrie Waller Watercolors said...

So cool!! Gorgeous photos!! I used to live in Charleston and my Mom still does!! I've been to Middleton Plantation!! Thanks so much for sharing. I'm off to visit the blog!

Unknown said...

What a talented family you are! These photos are just beautiful! You can really feel how lovely the wedding was.

xo Mary Jo

Dumbwit Tellher said...

Your brother truly does capture the essence of the day in his photography, truly beautiful. What a fabulous wedding! Thanks for introducing Jeremy's blog and his talents to us all Anne.

x Deb

Gwen Driscoll said...

These pictures are amazing & YOU & your brother are so talented. Have a great week & thanks for stopping by RHS always! Best.

Renée Finberg said...

i must say that this sort of wedding
SAYS; "I am in love" much more to me that the grandiose weddings.


JMW said...

Your brother's photography is wonderful! I adore the black and white image of the couple walking. so beautiful.

La Petite Gallery said...

Anne, you have a talented brother, it runs in the family.
Today is wicked cold.


Kate Lewis said...

what a beautiful wedding and photos! i really love charleston.:) also, thanks so much for your lovely comment on design*sponge about my work!

Katie @ Noodle and Boof said...

absolutely gorgeous! what a talented brother!

Special 'K' said...

Beautiful pics. An amazing eye, yes he is so very talented. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

Iantha interiors said...
