I was instantly charmed by the workmanship and wit of Alexandra Ferguson. She is an Etsy seller who creates cool cushions from 100% recycled felt, made from recycled water bottles! Her colors and styles possess spot-on style and are great little works of art to leave sitting on your chair, bed, or sofa. Check out her broad selection
Anne-A great find. Amazing that these were recycled plastic water bottles! I love the pink monogrammed pillows. I checked her out on Etsy and I also really like the botanical pillows.
Love these!! Hope your week's going well Anne.
I LOVE the monograms. But I need the first pillow more :) Maybe with an accompanying desk sign? lol.
Those pillows are a fabulous find!
Love the monograms ANne, xv.
Love the monograms ANne, xv.
Sometimes, we all need reminders to be nice or even initials so that others remember our names!
Good morning Anne! Lovely Etsy find again....love the saying Be Nice Or Leave, so clever. Hope you are having a great week. Pillows with your chairs???
I am a sucker for monograms but that first pillow just made me smile. righ to the point!
Oh I am loving the first pillow!!!!! We need a little humor in our lives and nothing better than putting it in a pretty setting with a pillow!
Have a great day!
Very pretty pillows! I so adore the first one. smile.... Have a golden day! xoxo
I know the message pillow would bring a few chuckles and laughter is such good for the soul! I adore monogramming too!
Have a good day Anne! Are you near the ocean? Hopefully there is a great breeze today!
xo Renae
Love that BE NICE OR LEAVE!!!
Hope you're having a great day!
For many many years I have thought about designing a line of pillows with messages, quotes, or something trendy/pop culture such as a play on the words "American Idol." These are great.
Love these!
Be Nice Or Leave is the unofficial official motto of New Orleans coined by NOLA artist Dr. Bob, and now used by artists everywhere!
xo xo
Monograms never go out of style.
I have really been in a pillow mood! So many fun as well as beautiful designs!
these are so great !
i am thinking of a few gifts , and these would be great.
I could subscribe to that motto!
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