Sometimes, in this rushed and often stressful life, it's a great thing to be reminded that,"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." It all matters!
I hope that you have a very good start to your week! This framed print is available now
absolutely! gorgeous print and oh so meaningful statement!
Hi Anne
good words to keep in front of us
So needed that quote tonight, Anne! Thank you so much :).
I think I might need this one to hang in my car.
Road rage suddenly would take on new meaning.
Such true words, Anne. xv
And those acts that go un-noticed for a time are sometimes the very best. Thank you Anne for the thoughtful reminder.
Wise words indeed. Have a great week.
So true - reminds me of this Lao Tzu quote :
"Kindness in words creates confidence.
Kindness in thinking creates profoundness.
Kindness in giving creates love"
Love your blog;
Hope you have a great week :)
A very good remnder for all of us!
I wanted to say how you really live by this with all your acts of kindness-you have been so supportive of me as a new blogger and I have seen how supportive you are of other new bloggers and other artists. It has not gone unnoticed. Thank you.
It so matters! You should make this a bumper sticker for me so all the rude old northerners that take over my town will maybe have a change of heart! ha ha :)
Great way to start the day!
Lovely words to start the week off right...
ohhh such truth and a great reminder!
Oh Anne, What a wonderful reminder! I am going to make that my quote of the day on my business emails today! :)
It reminds me of the saying about smiles. It's something to the effect that when you give a smile away you don't know how badly someone may need it. (I'm paraphrasing). But your post is excellent, and ever so true.
Act of kindness is very useful in our society, family and ....
The words are so true! Kindness no matter how big or small does matter. Very nice!
So true!
Lol to Patricia's comment!
Have a great week, Anne! :)
so true, so true...thank you for reminding me
Such a good point!
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